"""Module containing AOI loss calculation methods"""
from pvfactors.config import DISTANCE_TOLERANCE
from pvfactors.geometry.timeseries import (
TsPointCoords, TsSurface, TsLineCoords)
from pvfactors import PVFactorsError
import pvlib
from pvlib.tools import cosd
import numpy as np
[docs]class AOIMethods:
"""Class containing methods related to calculating AOI losses for
:py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvarray.OrderedPVArray` objects."""
[docs] def __init__(self, faoi_fn_front, faoi_fn_back, n_integral_sections=300):
"""Instantiate class with faoi function and number of sections to use
to calculate integrals of view factors with faoi losses
faoi_fn_front : function
Function which takes a list (or numpy array) of incidence angles
measured from the surface horizontal
(with values from 0 to 180 deg) and returns the fAOI values for
the front side of PV rows
faoi_fn_back : function
Function which takes a list (or numpy array) of incidence angles
measured from the surface horizontal
(with values from 0 to 180 deg) and returns the fAOI values for
the back side of PV rows
n_integral_sections : int, optional
Number of integral divisions of the 0 to 180 deg interval
to use for the fAOI loss integral (default = 300)
# Check that faoi fn where passed
faoi_fns_ok = callable(faoi_fn_front) and callable(faoi_fn_back)
if not faoi_fns_ok:
raise PVFactorsError("The faoi_fn passed to the AOI methods are "
"not callable. Please check the fAOI "
"functions again")
self.faoi_fn_front = faoi_fn_front
self.faoi_fn_back = faoi_fn_back
self.n_integral_sections = n_integral_sections
# The following will be updated at fitting time
self.interval = None
self.aoi_angles_low = None
self.aoi_angles_high = None
self.integrand_front = None
self.integrand_back = None
def fit(self, n_timestamps):
"""Fit the AOI methods to timeseries inputs: create all the necessary
integration attributes.
n_timestamps : int
Number of simulation timestamps
# Will use x values at the middle of the integral sections
aoi_angles = np.linspace(0., 180., num=self.n_integral_sections + 1)
# Assumes that at least 2 aoi angle values, otherwise what's the point
self.interval = aoi_angles[1] - aoi_angles[0]
# Get integral intervals' low, high, and middle points
aoi_angles_low = aoi_angles[:-1]
aoi_angles_high = aoi_angles_low + self.interval
aoi_angles_middle = aoi_angles_low + self.interval / 2.
# Calculate faoi values using middle points of integral intervals
faoi_front = self.faoi_fn_front(aoi_angles_middle)
faoi_back = self.faoi_fn_back(aoi_angles_middle)
# Calculate small view factor values for each section
vf_values = self._vf(aoi_angles_low, aoi_angles_high)
# Multiply to get integrand
integrand_front = faoi_front * vf_values
integrand_back = faoi_back * vf_values
# Replicate these values for all timestamps such that shapes
# becomes: [n_timestamps, n_integral_sections]map
self.aoi_angles_low = np.tile(aoi_angles_low, (n_timestamps, 1))
self.aoi_angles_high = np.tile(aoi_angles_high, (n_timestamps, 1))
self.integrand_front = np.tile(integrand_front, (n_timestamps, 1))
self.integrand_back = np.tile(integrand_back, (n_timestamps, 1))
def vf_aoi_pvrow_to_sky(self, ts_pvrows, ts_ground, tilted_to_left,
"""Calculate the view factors between timeseries PV row surface and sky
while accounting for AOI losses,
and assign values to the passed view factor matrix using
the surface indices.
ts_pvrows : list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPVRow`
List of timeseries PV rows in the PV array
ts_ground : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsGround`
Timeseries ground of the PV array
tilted_to_left : list of bool
Flags indicating when the PV rows are strictly tilted to the left
vf_matrix : np.ndarray
View factor matrix to update during calculation. Should have 3
dimensions as follows: [n_surfaces, n_surfaces, n_timesteps]
sky_index = vf_matrix.shape[0] - 1
# --- Build list of dummy sky surfaces
# create sky left open area
pt_1 = TsPointCoords(ts_ground.x_min * np.ones_like(tilted_to_left),
ts_ground.y_ground * np.ones_like(tilted_to_left))
pt_2 = ts_pvrows[0].highest_point
sky_left = TsSurface(TsLineCoords(pt_1, pt_2))
# create sky right open area
pt_1 = TsPointCoords(ts_ground.x_max * np.ones_like(tilted_to_left),
ts_ground.y_ground * np.ones_like(tilted_to_left))
pt_2 = ts_pvrows[-1].highest_point
sky_right = TsSurface(TsLineCoords(pt_2, pt_1))
# Add sky surfaces in-between PV rows
dummy_sky_surfaces = [sky_left]
for idx_pvrow, ts_pvrow in enumerate(ts_pvrows[:-1]):
right_ts_pvrow = ts_pvrows[idx_pvrow + 1]
pt_1 = ts_pvrow.highest_point
pt_2 = right_ts_pvrow.highest_point
sky_surface = TsSurface(TsLineCoords(pt_1, pt_2))
# Add sky right open area
# Now calculate vf_aoi for all PV row surfaces to sky
for idx_pvrow, ts_pvrow in enumerate(ts_pvrows):
# Get dummy sky surfaces
sky_left = dummy_sky_surfaces[idx_pvrow]
sky_right = dummy_sky_surfaces[idx_pvrow + 1]
# Calculate vf_aoi for surfaces in PV row
# front side
front = ts_pvrow.front
for front_surf in front.all_ts_surfaces:
vf_aoi_left = self._vf_aoi_surface_to_surface(
front_surf, sky_left, is_back=False)
vf_aoi_right = self._vf_aoi_surface_to_surface(
front_surf, sky_right, is_back=False)
vf_aoi = np.where(tilted_to_left, vf_aoi_left, vf_aoi_right)
vf_matrix[front_surf.index, sky_index, :] = vf_aoi
# back side
back = ts_pvrow.back
for back_surf in back.all_ts_surfaces:
vf_aoi_left = self._vf_aoi_surface_to_surface(
back_surf, sky_left, is_back=True)
vf_aoi_right = self._vf_aoi_surface_to_surface(
back_surf, sky_right, is_back=True)
vf_aoi = np.where(tilted_to_left, vf_aoi_right, vf_aoi_left)
vf_matrix[back_surf.index, sky_index, :] = vf_aoi
def vf_aoi_pvrow_to_pvrow(self, ts_pvrows, tilted_to_left, vf_matrix):
"""Calculate the view factors between timeseries PV row surfaces
while accounting for AOI losses,
and assign values to the passed view factor matrix using
the surface indices.
ts_pvrows : list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPVRow`
List of timeseries PV rows in the PV array
tilted_to_left : list of bool
Flags indicating when the PV rows are strictly tilted to the left
vf_matrix : np.ndarray
View factor matrix to update during calculation. Should have 3
dimensions as follows: [n_surfaces, n_surfaces, n_timesteps]
for idx_pvrow, ts_pvrow in enumerate(ts_pvrows[:-1]):
# Get the next pv row
right_ts_pvrow = ts_pvrows[idx_pvrow + 1]
# front side
front = ts_pvrow.front
for surf_i in front.all_ts_surfaces:
i = surf_i.index
for surf_j in right_ts_pvrow.back.all_ts_surfaces:
j = surf_j.index
# vf aoi from i to j
vf_i_to_j = self._vf_aoi_surface_to_surface(
surf_i, surf_j, is_back=False)
vf_i_to_j = np.where(tilted_to_left, 0., vf_i_to_j)
# vf aoi from j to i
vf_j_to_i = self._vf_aoi_surface_to_surface(
surf_j, surf_i, is_back=True)
vf_j_to_i = np.where(tilted_to_left, 0., vf_j_to_i)
# save results
vf_matrix[i, j, :] = vf_i_to_j
vf_matrix[j, i, :] = vf_j_to_i
# back side
back = ts_pvrow.back
for surf_i in back.all_ts_surfaces:
i = surf_i.index
for surf_j in right_ts_pvrow.front.all_ts_surfaces:
j = surf_j.index
# vf aoi from i to j
vf_i_to_j = self._vf_aoi_surface_to_surface(
surf_i, surf_j, is_back=True)
vf_i_to_j = np.where(tilted_to_left, vf_i_to_j, 0.)
# vf aoi from j to i
vf_j_to_i = self._vf_aoi_surface_to_surface(
surf_j, surf_i, is_back=False)
vf_j_to_i = np.where(tilted_to_left, vf_j_to_i, 0.)
# save results
vf_matrix[i, j, :] = vf_i_to_j
vf_matrix[j, i, :] = vf_j_to_i
def vf_aoi_pvrow_to_gnd(self, ts_pvrows, ts_ground, tilted_to_left,
"""Calculate the view factors between timeseries PV row and ground
surfaces while accounting for non-diffuse AOI losses,
and assign it to the passed view factor aoi matrix using
the surface indices.
This assumes that the PV row surfaces are infinitesimal (very small)
ts_pvrows : list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPVRow`
List of timeseries PV rows in the PV array
ts_ground : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsGround`
Timeseries ground of the PV array
tilted_to_left : list of bool
Flags indicating when the PV rows are strictly tilted to the left
vf_aoi_matrix : np.ndarray
View factor aoi matrix to update during calculation. Should have 3
dimensions as follows: [n_surfaces, n_surfaces, n_timesteps]
n_pvrows = len(ts_pvrows)
for idx_pvrow, ts_pvrow in enumerate(ts_pvrows):
# Separate gnd surfaces depending on side
left_gnd_surfaces = ts_ground.ts_surfaces_side_of_cut_point(
'left', idx_pvrow)
right_gnd_surfaces = ts_ground.ts_surfaces_side_of_cut_point(
'right', idx_pvrow)
# Front side
front = ts_pvrow.front
for pvrow_surf in front.all_ts_surfaces:
ts_length = pvrow_surf.length
i = pvrow_surf.index
for gnd_surf in left_gnd_surfaces:
j = gnd_surf.index
vf_pvrow_to_gnd = (
pvrow_surf, idx_pvrow, n_pvrows,
tilted_to_left, ts_pvrows, gnd_surf, ts_length,
is_back=False, is_left=True))
vf_aoi_matrix[i, j, :] = vf_pvrow_to_gnd
for gnd_surf in right_gnd_surfaces:
j = gnd_surf.index
vf_pvrow_to_gnd = (
pvrow_surf, idx_pvrow, n_pvrows,
tilted_to_left, ts_pvrows, gnd_surf, ts_length,
is_back=False, is_left=False))
vf_aoi_matrix[i, j, :] = vf_pvrow_to_gnd
# Back side
back = ts_pvrow.back
for pvrow_surf in back.all_ts_surfaces:
ts_length = pvrow_surf.length
i = pvrow_surf.index
for gnd_surf in left_gnd_surfaces:
j = gnd_surf.index
vf_pvrow_to_gnd = (
pvrow_surf, idx_pvrow, n_pvrows,
tilted_to_left, ts_pvrows, gnd_surf, ts_length,
is_back=True, is_left=True))
vf_aoi_matrix[i, j, :] = vf_pvrow_to_gnd
for gnd_surf in right_gnd_surfaces:
j = gnd_surf.index
vf_pvrow_to_gnd = (
pvrow_surf, idx_pvrow, n_pvrows,
tilted_to_left, ts_pvrows, gnd_surf, ts_length,
is_back=True, is_left=False))
vf_aoi_matrix[i, j, :] = vf_pvrow_to_gnd
def _vf_aoi_surface_to_surface(self, surf_1, surf_2, is_back=True):
"""Calculate view factor, while accounting from AOI losses, from
surface 1 to surface 2.
This assumes that surf_1 is infinitesimal (very small)
surf_1 : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsSurface`
Infinitesimal surface from which to calculate view factor with
AOI losses
surf_2 : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsSurface`
Surface to which the view factor with AOI losses should be
is_back : bool
Flag specifying whether pv row surface is on back or front side
of PV row (Default = True)
vf_aoi : np.ndarray
View factors with aoi losses from surface 1 to surface 2,
dimension is [n_timesteps]
# skip calculation if either surface is empty (always zero length)
skip = surf_1.is_empty or surf_2.is_empty
if skip:
vf_aoi = np.zeros_like(surf_2.length)
# Get surface 1 params
u_vector = surf_1.u_vector
centroid = surf_1.centroid
# Calculate AOI angles
aoi_angles_1 = self._calculate_aoi_angles(u_vector, centroid,
aoi_angles_2 = self._calculate_aoi_angles(u_vector, centroid,
low_aoi_angles = np.where(aoi_angles_1 < aoi_angles_2, aoi_angles_1,
high_aoi_angles = np.where(aoi_angles_1 < aoi_angles_2, aoi_angles_2,
# Calculate vf_aoi
vf_aoi_raw = self._calculate_vf_aoi_wedge_level(
low_aoi_angles, high_aoi_angles, is_back=is_back)
# Should be zero where either of the surfaces have zero length
vf_aoi = np.where((surf_1.length < DISTANCE_TOLERANCE)
| (surf_2.length < DISTANCE_TOLERANCE), 0.,
return vf_aoi
def _vf_aoi_pvrow_surf_to_gnd_surf_obstruction(
self, pvrow_surf, pvrow_idx, n_pvrows, tilted_to_left, ts_pvrows,
gnd_surf, ts_length, is_back=True, is_left=True):
"""Calculate view factors from timeseries PV row surface to a
timeseries ground surface, accounting for AOI losses.
This will return the calculated view
factors from the PV row surface to the ground surface.
This assumes that the PV row surfaces are infinitesimal (very small)
pvrow_surf : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsSurface`
Timeseries PV row surface to use for calculation
pvrow_idx : int
Index of the timeseries PV row on the which the pvrow_surf is
n_pvrows : int
Number of timeseries PV rows in the PV array, and therefore number
of shadows they cast on the ground
tilted_to_left : list of bool
Flags indicating when the PV rows are strictly tilted to the left
ts_pvrows : list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPVRow`
List of timeseries PV rows in the PV array
gnd_surf : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsSurface`
Timeseries ground surface to use for calculation
pvrow_surf_length : np.ndarray
Length (width) of the timeseries PV row surface [m]
is_back : bool
Flag specifying whether pv row surface is on back or front side
of PV row (Default = True)
is_left : bool
Flag specifying whether gnd surface is left of pv row cut point or
not (Default = True)
vf_aoi_pvrow_to_gnd_surf : np.ndarray
View factors aoi from timeseries PV row surface to timeseries
ground surface, dimension is [n_timesteps]
# skip calculation if either surface is empty (always zero length)
skip = pvrow_surf.is_empty or gnd_surf.is_empty
if skip:
vf_aoi = np.zeros_like(gnd_surf.length)
centroid = pvrow_surf.centroid
u_vector = pvrow_surf.u_vector
no_obstruction = (is_left & (pvrow_idx == 0)) \
or ((not is_left) & (pvrow_idx == n_pvrows - 1))
if no_obstruction:
# There is no obstruction to the ground surface
aoi_angles_1 = self._calculate_aoi_angles(u_vector, centroid,
aoi_angles_2 = self._calculate_aoi_angles(u_vector, centroid,
# Get lowest point of obstructing point
idx_obstructing_pvrow = (pvrow_idx - 1 if is_left
else pvrow_idx + 1)
pt_obstr = ts_pvrows[idx_obstructing_pvrow
# Adjust angle seen when there is obstruction
aoi_angles_1 = self._calculate_aoi_angles_w_obstruction(
u_vector, centroid, gnd_surf.b1, pt_obstr, is_left)
aoi_angles_2 = self._calculate_aoi_angles_w_obstruction(
u_vector, centroid, gnd_surf.b2, pt_obstr, is_left)
low_aoi_angles = np.where(aoi_angles_1 < aoi_angles_2,
aoi_angles_1, aoi_angles_2)
high_aoi_angles = np.where(aoi_angles_1 < aoi_angles_2,
aoi_angles_2, aoi_angles_1)
vf_aoi_raw = self._calculate_vf_aoi_wedge_level(
low_aoi_angles, high_aoi_angles, is_back=is_back)
# Should be zero where either of the surfaces have zero length
vf_aoi_raw = np.where((ts_length < DISTANCE_TOLERANCE)
| (gnd_surf.length < DISTANCE_TOLERANCE), 0.,
# Final result depends on whether front or back surface
if is_left:
vf_aoi = (np.where(tilted_to_left, 0., vf_aoi_raw) if is_back
else np.where(tilted_to_left, vf_aoi_raw, 0.))
vf_aoi = (np.where(tilted_to_left, vf_aoi_raw, 0.) if is_back
else np.where(tilted_to_left, 0., vf_aoi_raw))
return vf_aoi
def _calculate_aoi_angles_w_obstruction(
self, u_vector, centroid, point_gnd, point_obstr,
"""Calculate AOI angles for a PV row surface of the
:py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvarray.OrderedPVArray` that sees
a ground surface, while being potentially obstructed by another
PV row
u_vector : np.ndarray
Direction vector of the surface for which to calculate AOI angles
centroid : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPointCoords`
Centroid point of PV row surface for which to calculate AOI angles
point : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPointCoords`
Point of ground surface that will determine AOI angle
point_obstr: :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPointCoords`
Potentially obstructing point for the view aoi angle calculation
gnd_surf_is_left : bool
Flag specifying whether ground surface is left of PV row's cut
point or not
AOI angles formed by remote point and centroid on surface,
measured against surface direction vector, accounting for
potential obstruction [degrees]
if point_obstr is None:
# There is no obstruction
point = point_gnd
# Determine if there is obstruction by using the angles made by
# specific strings with the x-axis
alpha_pv = self._angle_with_x_axis(point_gnd, centroid)
alpha_ob = self._angle_with_x_axis(point_gnd, point_obstr)
if gnd_surf_is_left:
is_obstructing = alpha_pv > alpha_ob
is_obstructing = alpha_pv < alpha_ob
x = np.where(is_obstructing, point_obstr.x, point_gnd.x)
y = np.where(is_obstructing, point_obstr.y, point_gnd.y)
point = TsPointCoords(x, y)
aoi_angles = self._calculate_aoi_angles(u_vector, centroid, point)
return aoi_angles
def _calculate_vf_aoi_wedge_level(self, low_angles, high_angles,
"""Calculate faoi modified view factors for a wedge defined by
low and high angles.
low_angles : np.ndarray
Low AOI angles (between 0 and 180 deg), length = n_timestamps
high_angles : np.ndarray
High AOI angles (between 0 and 180 deg), length = n_timestamps.
Should be bigger than ``low_angles``
is_back : bool
Flag specifying whether pv row surface is on back or front side
of PV row (Default = True)
faoi modified view factors for wedge
shape = (n_timestamps, )
# Calculate integrand: all d_vf_aoi values
faoi_integrand = self._calculate_vfaoi_integrand(
low_angles, high_angles, is_back=is_back)
# Total vf_aoi will be sum of all smaller d_vf_aoi values
total_vf_aoi = faoi_integrand.sum(axis=1)
# Make sure vf is counted as zero if the wedge is super small
total_vf_aoi = np.where(
np.abs(high_angles - low_angles) < DISTANCE_TOLERANCE, 0.,
return total_vf_aoi
def _calculate_vfaoi_integrand(self, low_angles, high_angles,
Calculate the timeseries view factors with aoi loss integrand
given the low and high angles that define the surface.
low_angles : np.ndarray
Low AOI angles (between 0 and 180 deg), length = n_timestamps
high_angles : np.ndarray
High AOI angles (between 0 and 180 deg), length = n_timestamps.
Should be bigger than ``low_angles``
is_back : bool
Flag specifying whether pv row surface is on back or front side
of PV row (Default = True)
vf_aoi integrand values for all timestamps
shape = (n_timestamps, n_integral_sections)
# Turn into dimension: [n_timestamps, n_integral_sections]
low_angles_mat = np.tile(low_angles, (self.n_integral_sections, 1)).T
high_angles_mat = np.tile(high_angles, (self.n_integral_sections, 1)).T
# Filter out integrand values outside of range
include_integral_section = ((low_angles_mat <= self.aoi_angles_high) &
(high_angles_mat > self.aoi_angles_low))
# The integrand values are different for front and back sides
if is_back:
faoi_integrand = np.where(include_integral_section,
self.integrand_back, 0.)
faoi_integrand = np.where(include_integral_section,
self.integrand_front, 0.)
return faoi_integrand
def _calculate_aoi_angles(u_vector, centroid, point):
"""Calculate AOI angles from direction vector of surface,
centroid point of that surface, and point from another surface
u_vector : np.ndarray
Direction vector of the surface for which to calculate AOI angles
centroid : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPointCoords`
Centroid point of surface for which to calculate AOI angles
point : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPointCoords`
Point of remote surface that will determine AOI angle
AOI angles formed by remote point and centroid on surface,
measured against surface direction vector [degrees]
v_vector = np.array([point.x - centroid.x, point.y - centroid.y])
dot_product = u_vector[0, :] * v_vector[0, :] \
+ u_vector[1, :] * v_vector[1, :]
u_norm = np.linalg.norm(u_vector, axis=0)
v_norm = np.linalg.norm(v_vector, axis=0)
cos_theta = dot_product / (u_norm * v_norm)
# because of round off errors, cos_theta can be slightly > 1,
# or slightly < -1, so clip it
cos_theta = np.clip(cos_theta, -1., 1.)
aoi_angles = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(cos_theta))
return aoi_angles
def _vf(aoi_1, aoi_2):
"""Calculate view factor from infinitesimal surface to infinite band.
See illustration: http://www.thermalradiation.net/sectionb/B-71.html
Here we're using angles measured from the horizontal
aoi_1 : np.ndarray
Lower angles defining the infinite band
aoi_2 : np.ndarray
Higher angles defining the infinite band
View factors from infinitesimal surface to infinite strip
return 0.5 * np.abs(cosd(aoi_1) - cosd(aoi_2))
def _angle_with_x_axis(pt_1, pt_2):
"""Angle with x-axis of vector going from pt_1 to pt_2
pt_1 : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPointCoords`
Timeseries point coordinates of point 1
pt_2 : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPointCoords`
Timeseries point coordinates of point 2
Angle between vector pt_1->pt_2 and x-axis
return np.arctan2(pt_2.y - pt_1.y, pt_2.x - pt_1.x)
def rho_from_faoi_fn(self, is_back):
"""Calculate global average reflectivity from faoi function
for either side of the PV row (requires calculating view factors)
is_back : bool
Flag specifying whether to use front or back faoi function
rho_average : float
Global average reflectivity value of surface
# Will use x values at the middle of the integral sections
aoi_angles = np.linspace(0., 180., num=self.n_integral_sections + 1)
# Assumes that at least 2 aoi angle values, otherwise what's the point
self.interval = aoi_angles[1] - aoi_angles[0]
# Get integral intervals' low, high, and middle points
aoi_angles_low = aoi_angles[:-1]
aoi_angles_high = aoi_angles_low + self.interval
aoi_angles_middle = aoi_angles_low + self.interval / 2.
# Calculate faoi values using middle points of integral intervals
if is_back:
faoi_values = self.faoi_fn_back(aoi_angles_middle)
faoi_values = self.faoi_fn_front(aoi_angles_middle)
# Calculate small view factor values for each section
vf_values = self._vf(aoi_angles_low, aoi_angles_high)
# Multiply to get integrand
integrand_values = faoi_values * vf_values
return (1. - integrand_values.sum())
def faoi_fn_from_pvlib_sandia(pvmodule_name):
"""Generate a faoi function from a pvlib sandia PV module name
pvmodule_name : str
Name of PV module in pvlib Sandia module database
Function that returns positive loss values for numeric inputs
between 0 and 180 degrees.
# Get Sandia module database from pvlib
sandia_modules = pvlib.pvsystem.retrieve_sam('SandiaMod')
# Grab pv module sandia coeffs from database
pvmodule = sandia_modules[pvmodule_name]
def fn(angles):
"""fAOI loss funtion: calculate how much light is absorbed at given
incidence angles
angles : np.ndarray or list
Angles measured from surface horizontal, from 0 de 180 deg
fAOI values
angles = np.array(angles) if isinstance(angles, list) else angles
# Transform the inputs for the SAPM function
angles = np.where(angles >= 90, angles - 90, 90. - angles)
# Use pvlib sapm aoi loss method
return pvlib.iam.sapm(angles, pvmodule, upper=1.)
return fn